After reaching ‘peak cotton,’ a declining role for China – August 10, 2022

After reaching ‘peak cotton,’ a declining role for China

Rising costs and increasing competition will, in coming years, reduce the dominance that China has enjoyed in the cotton industry since joining the WTO in 2001, said an Agriculture Department report. China is the world’s largest cotton grower, importer and consumer at present, but other Asian countries are growing in importance as importers.

Black farm leader calls for USDA foreclosure moratorium

Senators were wrong in repealing a program for $4 billion in debt relief for socially disadvantaged farmers, said John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association, on Tuesday. A Virginia farmer, Boyd called on President Biden to declare a moratorium on USDA farm foreclosures while Congress worked on a new relief plan.


‘Top 3’ July heat: This July, noteworthy for extraordinary heat in western Europe, was one of the three hottest worldwide on record, behind 2019 and 2016, said the Copernicus Climate Change Service. (Axios)

Pushback against heat safety: While some western states have rules that require business owners to provide shade, cold water and rest breaks to outdoor workers on hot days, businesses elsewhere vocally oppose state-level proposals for heat safety rules. (Washington Post)

U-Pick flower farms: A fairly new concept, pick-it-yourself flower farms, are taking root in Minnesota, many relying on the honor system for payment. (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

‘Major, mind-breaking exercise’: A large farm operator in Ukraine ramped up production of sunflowers and other oilseeds that remain profitable despite the obstacles of ongoing warfare, but it is a “major mind-breaking exercise,” and a gamble, to decide what to grow. (Los Angeles Times)

Nutrition ‘moonshot’ is proposed: Five food policy leaders working to inform the upcoming White House conference on hunger, nutrition and health, including former agriculture secretary Dan Glickman, listed six areas for attention—including a major focus on nutrition research—if the United States hopes to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases. (Food Fix)

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