Biofuel groups push for ‘strong’ ethanol mandate, citing climate and gas prices
Amid reports the EPA might scale back the ethanol mandate, biofuel groups said on Tuesday there was no U.S. path to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions or lower prices at the fuel pump without homegrown ethanol.
Senate confirms Bonnie, architect of USDA climate initiatives
On a bipartisan 76-19 roll call, the Senate confirmed Robert Bonnie, who was part of a think-tank proposal for a “carbon bank” at USDA to slow global warming, as agriculture undersecretary for farm production and conservation on Tuesday. Bonnie has served as USDA climate adviser since January.
Brazil’s Amazon beef plan will ‘legalize deforestation,’ say critics
For many, the overriding image of agriculture in the Amazon is one of environmental destruction. About 80 percent of deforestation in the region has been attributed to cattle ranching, tainting beef exports. Brazil’s beef industry hopes to tempt buyers back to the Amazon region, which covers about 40 percent of the country’s total area, with a new deforestation-free pledge. But critics are concerned it could effectively legalize tree clearing in the region, according to AG Insider’s latest story produced with The Guardian.
Today’s Quick Hits
Farm Bureau opposes BBB: The largest U.S. farm group, the American Farm Bureau Federation, asked U.S. representatives to vote against the $1.75 trillion “build back better” bill, saying it would “exacerbate” the pain of inflation and ultimately hurt farmers and ranchers. (AFBF)
Deere vote Wednesday: UAW members on strike against Deere and Co. since Oct.14 will vote on Wednesday on the third offer by the equipment maker for a long-term contract. (WQAD-TV)
Vietnam cuts tariffs: Following through on a commitment made in August, Vietnam issued a decree to eliminate its tariffs on imported wheat and reduce its duties on corn to 2 percent and frozen pork to 10 percent. (USDA)
Faux meat demand down: Grocery industry data indicate sales of plant-based meat alternatives are down compared to levels in 2020 and prices are down modestly, “strong evidence that demand (i.e., consumers’ willingness-to-pay) for meat alternatives has fallen.” (Jayson Lusk)
Healthy school food: For the most part, food service companies comply with USDA standards for food served in public schools and could meet more stringent standards, said an analysis of 2,000 products offered by 28 major food service companies. (CSPI)