Democrats on House Agriculture – January 22, 2019

Democrats put muscle and newcomers on House Agriculture

The House Agriculture Committee is headed for its largest turnover in membership since 2015, as Democrats flood the panel with newcomers.

A ranch that produces not just beef, but medical parts

Just south of the Oregon border in Macdoel, California, the Prather Ranch sells not just top quality beef — but parts for the medical industry. “The hides are used to make purified collagen used in cell research. And the bones? Some have been made into screws for knee surgery.’


Shutdown begins to impact SNAP (Ag Insider): A New York congressman says the USDA should extend SNAP licenses during the government shutdown because grocers cannot renew them at present, says the Albany Times Union. The shutdown introduces a new element of uncertainty to the computer systems that handle SNAP transactions.

Bayer plans rigorous defense of glyphosate (Australian Financial Review): Bayer chief executive Werner Baumann says the medicine and chemical giant “will rigorously defend” itself in upcoming court cases that allege Roundup is a carcinogen.

Western monarch butterfly population plunges (San Francisco Chronicle):The western monarch butterfly population is the lowest ever along the Pacific Coast, with biologists warning that the decline of the butterfly would put the future of bug-eating birds and other species in peril.

EU says ag not on agenda with U.S. (Reuters): EU trade minister Cecilia Malmstrom says the trade bloc is not proposing negotiations to reduce or eliminate agricultural tariffs in trade talks with the United States.

Poverty scholar to lead conservative think tank (AEI): Former New York City commissioner of human resources Robert Doar, a poverty scholar and frequent voice in public nutrition debates, will become president of the free-market American Enterprise Institute on July 1.


– Last of three days that nearly half of USDA’s local offices are open to handle loans and to issue IRS Form 1099s.

– House is scheduled to vote on HR 439, to amend the charter of the National FFA Organization. The bill will be considered under rules that limit debate and bar amendments.

– USDA monthly Cold Storage report, scheduled for 3 p.m. ET, may be delayed due to shutdown.

– National Biodiesel Conference and Expo, through Thursday, San Diego.

– International Dairy Food Association holds Dairy Forum 2019, through Wednesday, Orlando.

– The House is scheduled to vote on a package of six appropriations bills to fund the government for this fiscal year. The USDA-FDA bill would provide $152 billion and includes language to delay the proposed relocation of ERS and NIFA as well as moving ERS, now part of USDA’s research wing, into direct control by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.

– National Bison Association winter conference, through Saturday, Denver.

– American Sheep Industry Association 2019 convention, through Saturday, New Orleans.

– International Grains Council releases monthly Grain Market Report, London.

– USDA release of the monthly Food Price Outlook, 9 a.m. ET, may be delayed by shutdown.

USDA release of the monthly Cattle on Feed report, 3 p.m. ET, may be delayed due to shutdown.

– Land Investment Expo, Des Moines, Iowa.

– Northeast Organic Farming Association holds New Jersey winter conference, through Sunday, New Brunswick, N.J.

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