Value of U.S. corn, soy, and wheat crops slips
The farm-gate value of this year’s U.S. corn, soybean, and wheat crops would be nearly 8 percent lower than the 2023 crops due to the continuing decline in commodity prices, according to USDA estimates of season-average prices. The USDA reduced its estimates of season-average prices for this year’s crops by 10 cents a bushel for corn and soybeans and 80 cents a bushel for wheat in its WASDE report.
Three (3) new cases, Colorado leads U.S. in bird flu infections of humans
Three workers at a Colorado egg farm contracted mild cases of bird flu while culling an infected flock of chickens, said state public health officials. With the discovery, Colorado is home to four of the seven U.S. cases of bird flu in humans reported since April.
Smallest wheat crop in 20 years: Due to dry weather and limited supplies of irrigation water, Mexico will produce 2.8 million metric tons of wheat, the smallest harvest since 2.42 million tons in 2004, said USDA analysts. (World Agricultural Production)
Global fish harvest warning: The global fish harvest could fall by more than 10 percent by mid-century due to global warming, said a UN report. (FAO)
Potato plantings shrink: The large U.S. potato crop of 441 million hundredweight in 2023 has softened prices and resulted in a 2 percent decline in plantings this year, with smaller acreage in 10 of the 13 major states. (USDA)
Deere’s TikTok influencer: The world’s largest farm equipment maker will pay $200,000 for a “chief tractor officer” whose job is to make short-form videos of amusing and interesting ways to make a living with Deere products. (Ambrook Research)
The School Nutrition Association holds its annual national conference, through Tuesday, Boston.
Institute of Food Technologists holds IFT First meeting and expo, through Wednesday, Chicago.
The International Association for Food Protection holds annual meeting, through Wednesday, Long Beach, California.
USDA releases weekly Crop Progress report, 4 p.m. ET.
The American Soybean Association holds a board meeting, Washington.
The Federal Reserve Board issues its Beige Book, a compilation of anecdotal information from its regional banks on the U.S. economy.
National Agricultural Law Center hosts webinar, “HPAI in poultry and cattle: How can we miss you if you won’t go away?” noon ET. Speaker is Brook Duer, a staff attorney at the Penn State Center for Agricultural and Shale Law.
Purdue University holds the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour, stopping at two farms in Randolph County, Indiana.
USDA releases semiannual Catfish Production report, 3 p.m. ET.
USDA releases Census of Agriculture report on Puerto Rico, noon ET.
USDA releases monthly Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report, 3 pm. ET.
USDA releases monthly Cattle on Feed report, 3 p.m. ET.