Diet for Healthy Planet – January 17, 2019

Less red meat for healthier diet and planet

Diet for a healthy planet: Half the red meat and sugar, more grains, nuts, produce A three-year collaboration by three dozen experts in nutrition, agriculture, economics, and the environment says it has solved one of the world’s great challenges: how to feed an expected 10 billion people at mid-century without… Continue reading

Dicamba Challenge, Trade War – January 14, 2019

Court challenge to EPA approval of dicamba is dismissed as moot

Trump trade war: ‘We’re going to hang with him,’ says Farm Bureau chief The Sino-U.S. trade war, which as stymied U.S. farm exports, “is going to be a long one, and we keep delivering the message, ‘We’re with you, Mr. President,’” said the leader of the largest U.S. farm group… Continue reading

The Time for Hemp has Come

The Time for Hemp has Come

January 9, 2019 “Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.” –Thomas Jefferson (TDA) As an eighth-generation farmer and rancher I know that variety in crop production is essential for Texas agricultural producers. Cotton is King in Texas,… Continue reading