Perdue gets $20 billion blank check for ag aid in GOP bill
Senate Republicans proposed $20 billion in additional aid to agriculture in their new coronavirus package on Monday, leaving it to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to allot the money. The proposed increase in farm aid came as the USDA released figures showing that it has only spent a little more than 40 percent of the $16 billion that was earmarked previously for farmers and ranchers.
Dicamba-resistant weeds established in western Tennessee
The fast-growing weed Palmer amaranth has developed a tolerance for dicamba herbicide in at least five counties in western Tennessee and likely several others, said University of Tennessee weed specialist Larry Steckel on Monday.
Lawsuit to limit runoff into Lake Erie: Accusing state and federal regulators of inaction, Lucas County commissioners and environmental groups seek a federal court order to set a “total maximum daily load” schedule to reduce algae-causing farm runoff into Lake Erie. (Toledo Blade)
Meatpackers want coronavirus immunity: Smithfield Foods and Mountaire Farms, two large U.S. meat processors facing potential legal risks for allegedly failing to protect workers from coronavirus, donated to groups that are lobbying Congress to grant special immunity to businesses from employee lawsuits. (The Intercept)
California limits consumer use of carbaryl: Beginning on Aug. 1, only licensed pesticide applicators will be allowed to use the insecticide carbaryl, sold under the brand name Sevin, to control insects in lawns and gardens; carbaryl also is widely used in agriculture. (California Department of Pesticide Regulation)
China buys more U.S. soybeans: After chalking up sales of 1.1 million tonnes of U.S. soybeans to China last week, private exporters reported on Monday the sale of 132,000 tonnes of U.S. soybeans for delivery to China during the 2020/21 marketing year, which opens on Sept 1. (USDA)
British anti-obesity campaign: Britain would ban junk-food advertisements before 9 p.m., forbid stores from displaying sweets and snacks at the checkout register, and require menus to carry calorie counts under an anti-obesity campaign. But it would not expands its soda tax to other products. (Guardian)