Senate approves Stone-Manning as land management chief – October 11, 2021

Senate approves Stone-Manning as land management chief Tracy Stone-Manning, a long-time environmentalist, will serve as the first Senate-confirmed director of the Bureau of Land Management in more than four years, winning a party-line roll call on her nomination, 50-45. Montana Sen. Jon Tester, a Democrat, said Republicans resorted to character… Continue reading

More farmers experiment with cover crops, a climate tool, survey shows – October 6, 2021

More farmers experiment with cover crops, a climate tool, survey shows Slightly more than half of the country’s biggest farmers say they planted cover crops this year, indicating a broadening acceptance of the crops’ benefits for soil health, even with the accompanying complication they bring to land management, said Purdue’s… Continue reading

Agriculture is ‘unpredictable sector’ in Sino-U.S. trade, says Tai – October 5, 2021

Agriculture is ‘unpredictable sector’ in Sino-U.S. trade, says Tai The United States will press China to live up to its commitments in the “phase one” agreement, said U.S. trade representative Katherine Tai on Monday in unveiling the Biden administration’s “strategic vision for re-aligning trade policies toward China.” During a speech… Continue reading