U.S. food prices insulated from warfare in Ukraine, says Vilsack – February 25, 2022

U.S. food prices insulated from warfare in Ukraine, says Vilsack The Russian invasion of Ukraine will have, at most, a muted effect on U.S. food prices, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Thursday. “We have tremendous (domestic) production capacity,” he told reporters attending the USDA’s annual Agricultural Outlook Forum. World… Continue reading

USDA Commits $215 Million to Enhance the American Food Supply Chain

(USDA PRESS RELEASE) Department Will Make Available $215 Million for Projects That Will Promote Competition and Increase Resiliency and Create Economic Opportunity in Rural America Release & Contact Info Press Release Release No. 0051.22 Contact: USDA Press Email: press@usda.gov WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 2022 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary… Continue reading

Native American food sovereignty means ‘rebuilding our … food systems, one taste bud at a time’ – February 17, 2022

Native American food sovereignty means ‘rebuilding our … food systems, one taste bud at a time’ When Covid-19 hit, intensifying hunger rates and limiting food access across the country, tribal communities drew on ancestral knowledge to mount a resilient response, said A-dae Romero-Briones, who directs Native agriculture and food systems… Continue reading