Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Are you a farmer or rancher whose operation has been directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic? The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program provides direct relief to producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19.   USDA is accepting applications now through August… Continue reading

Memorial Day 2020

Papaver rhoeas, also known as the common poppy, corn poppy and red weed, among other names, is considered a nuisance plant by European farmers and often grows in areas where the soil has been disturbed.   In the warm spring months beginning in 1915, with World War I in full… Continue reading

President Trump: Executive Order Rescinding And Waiving Regulations To Aid Economic Recovery – May 23, 2020

  (AG Insider) President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday aimed at fast-tracking economic recovery by rescinding or waving regulations he says are inhibiting rapid job growth.   Senior Trump administration officials stated that the Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery Executive Order “is the first time in… Continue reading