Bayer ‘not surprised’ by second Roundup rebuff – July 28, 2022

Bayer ‘not surprised’ by second Roundup rebuff

For the second time in a week, the Supreme Court rejected Bayer’s attempts to shield itself from lawsuits alleging that its Roundup weedkiller is carcinogenic. Bayer said it “is not surprised” by the decision on Monday, and pointed to the possibility of a change in the legal environment in its favor.

Groceries for July 4 cookout cost $10 more than last summer

The supermarket tally for an Independence Day cookout is a first-hand look at inflation — up by 17 percent from last summer, with the skyrocketing price of meat a leading reason. The American Farm Bureau Federation said on Monday that data from its volunteer price checkers nationwide indicated the groceries to feed 10 people at a cookout would cost $69.68, almost $10 more than last year.

In a key step, developer says FDA finds GMO wheat is safe to eat

After a generation on the sidelines, the wheat industry may be on the cusp of joining the era of agricultural biotechnology. Crop developer Bioceres said on Monday that the FDA has determined during consultations that its HB4 wheat variety, genetically modified for drought- and herbicide-tolerance, was safe to eat.


‘Mobile silos’ for Ukraine: Canada will contribute $50 million to prevent Ukrainian grain from going to waste, with most of the money paying for so-called mobile silos for storing grain. (RealAgriculture News)

Bristlecones at evolutionary crossroads: For the first time in recorded history, drought and bark beetles are killing bristlecone pine trees, which live for hundreds of years on wind-swept mountain ridges. (Los Angeles Times)

Industry challenges ‘alternative compliance’: Biofuel trade group Growth Energy asked for federal court review of the EPA decision to offer an “alternative compliance” method to oil refineries after denying 31 requests for exemption from the ethanol mandate. (Growth Energy)

USDA boosts biobased products: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was to announce a new program for the development of biobased materials used in a range of products during a visit to a creamery in eastern Iowa on Tuesday. (FERN’s Ag Insider)

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