Senate committee to vote on $7 billion in disaster aid for farmers – August 3, 2021

Senate committee to vote on $7 billion in disaster aid for farmers

Farm-state senators celebrated the first step of including $7 billion for disaster relief in the annual USDA-FDA funding bill, with a crucial vote looming on Thursday in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Action in the Senate mirrored efforts in the House last week to help farmers and ranchers in the face of wildfires, drought and floods.

EPA renews approval of paraquat, including aerial application

After nine months of review, the EPA finalized its interim decision on the weed killer paraquat on Monday, effectively keeping the herbicide on the U.S. market for 15 years.

USDA puts $15 million into drought relief for Klamath basin farmers

The Klamath Drought Response Agency was awarded a $15 million grant by the USDA to reduce demand for irrigation water in the Klamath River basin of southern Oregon and Northern California.

Today’s Quick Hits

Abalone farmer: For more than 30 years, Andrew Kim has run an abalone farm beneath a wharf on the California coast, managing a team of 10 farmers “who spend their days harvesting wild kelp to feed the abalone, pressure-washing cages and warding off ocean predators.” (Hakai Magazine)

‘Hot’ hemp? It’s genetic: Research by Cornell scientists points to genetics, rather than stress in the field, as the determinant of whether hemp plants will test “hot” at harvest with too much THC; research and plant breeding could reduce the risk. (

Retain biodiesel tariffs: The European Union decided to maintain tariffs through 2026, five additional years, on imports of U.S. biodiesel to avoid a potential flood of the fuel at artificially low prices, said the EU official journal. (Reuters)

More bee colonies: There were 2.92 million colonies of honey bees at the start of this year in a survey of operations with at least five colonies, an increase of 2 percent from Jan. 1, 2020 despite the large losses suffered each year by beekeepers. (USDA)

SNAP at college: Part-time college students would qualify for SNAP under legislation proposed by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand to remove “work-for-food” barriers in the program. (Oswego County Today)

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