Former education secretary joins calls for school food flexibility – August 18, 2020

Former education secretary joins calls for school food flexibility The Trump administration should immediately extend two waivers that allow schools during the coronavirus pandemic to serve meals at no charge to students, whether in the cafeteria, the classroom, or as grab-and-go meals at the curbside, said former education secretary Arne… Continue reading

Crustaceans and oilseeds ahead of U.S.-China ‘phase one’ review – August 11, 2020

Crustaceans and oilseeds ahead of U.S.-China ‘phase one’ review China bought $188 million worth of U.S. soybeans on Monday, continuing a string of purchases that began last week, as the world’s two largest economies approach a six-month review of the “phase one” agreement that de-escalated the trade war.   USDA’s… Continue reading

Pandemic aid is too constricted and too slow, ag groups and lawmakers tell USDA – August 10, 2020

Pandemic aid is too constricted and too slow, ag groups and lawmakers tell USDA The USDA should immediately release the $1.4 billion of coronavirus payments it’s holding in reserve for farmers and change the rules — particularly on eligibility, payment limits and the deadline for applications — that are keeping… Continue reading

Coronavirus fears ease, but many farmers expect a worse year financially – August 5, 2020

Coronavirus fears ease, but many farmers expect a worse year financially An unusually large portion of U.S. farmers and ranchers expects worse financial performance on their farms this year than last, said a Purdue University poll released on Tuesday. And although producers are less worried by the coronavirus pandemic than… Continue reading