Revival of USDA reports would cost $7.5 million – May 9, 2024

Revival of USDA reports would cost $7.5 million

USDA officials said that if the money became available, they would restore a handful of crop and livestock reports that were discontinued in April because of a funding gap. “We have heard from our data users how valuable this information is,” said Troy Joshua, executive producer for the Agricultural Statistics Board, on Wednesday.

‘Absolute barrier’ against spread of bird flu virus is impossible

The agriculture and food industry is entering an era of stepped-up precautions against the spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus now that it has appeared in cattle for the first time, said FDA commissioner Robert Califf at a Senate hearing on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, there is no absolute barrier that can be created,” he said.

EPA, FDA, and USDA will overhaul biotech regulations

The three federal agencies that share jurisdiction over genetically engineered plants and animals said on Wednesday that they would update and streamline biotechnology regulations in five areas, including modified food animals.


Decades of USDA payments: More than 10,000 individual farms received USDA payments every year between 1985 and 2023 for farm subsidies or disaster relief, for a combined total of nearly $11.2 billion. (Environmental Working Group)

Wonderful replaces groves:
California’s wealthiest farm family, the owners of Wonderful Co., would more than double the size of their industrial park by converting 1,800 acres of almond groves into new warehouse space in the San Joaquin Valley. (Los Angeles Times)

Braun and Banks advance: Sen. Mike Braun, riding an endorsement from Donald Trump, easily won the Republican nomination for governor in Indiana, and fourth-term Rep. Jim Banks was unopposed in the primary contest for the Senate seat Braun is vacating. (New York Times)

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