USDA restricts use of ‘Product of USA’ label to U.S.-grown meat, poultry, and eggs – March 12, 2024

USDA restricts use of ‘Product of USA’ label to U.S.-grown meat, poultry, and eggs

Under a new rule, food processors will be able to put “Product of USA” on packages of meat, poultry, and egg products only if the animals were born, raised, slaughtered, and processed in the United States, announced Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Monday. Until now, the labels could be pasted on foreign meat that was processed in America.

Protect SNAP benefits, create farm revenue streams in farm bill

The White House warned lawmakers against cutting SNAP in the new farm bill on Monday and said they should embrace climate-smart agriculture and other practices that would boost farmer income across the board, rather than pamper big operators. Farm bill leaders have been deadlocked for months over crop subsidies, SNAP, and climate funds.


Canceled wheat sales to China: Over three business days, private exporters reported the cancellation of sales totaling 504,000 metric tons, or 18.5 million bushels, of U.S.-grown soft red winter wheat for delivery to China this marketing year. (Foreign Agricultural Service)

Summit pipeline dual message: Executives for Summit Carbon Solutions say their pipeline will be used to sequester carbon dioxide underground, helping the ethanol industry reduce its carbon footprint, but the pipeline could also help the oil industry extract more oil from the ground. (Reuters)

Ranchers damaged rain gauges: Two Colorado ranch owners were ordered to pay $6.6 million on charges of damaging or altering rain gauges with the goal of getting more money from crop insurance claims for drought. (CBS News)

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