Climate change will drive up food costs, threatening political stability – March 22, 2024

Climate change will drive up food costs, threatening political stability

Global warming may drive up food inflation by as much as 3.2 percentage points a year, based on temperature increases projected for 2035, according to a paper published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment on Thursday. Warming is also projected to cause an overall rise in inflation of up to 1.2 percent annually during that period.


Disappearing water: Alfalfa crops and other agricultural activities are sapping the ancient Mexican oasis of Cuatro Cienegas, the most important wetland in the Chihuahuan Desert. (Reuters)

Italy wants more farmers: A new law, designed to increase the number of young farmers in the country, provides funding and initiatives to support companies that offer new ideas and technologies and that prioritize entrepreneurial skills. (Olive Oil Times)

France nixes EU-Canada deal: The French Senate on Thursday voted against ratifying the EU-Canada trade deal (CETA) as farmers continue their protests. (Politico)

Big grocers’ pandemic windfall: Large supermarket chains disproportionately profited from the pandemic, while smaller businesses and consumers were squeezed. (FTC)

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