Trump’s Trade Agenda Falters – August 28, 2019

As Trump’s trade agenda falters, Dems see rural America in play for 2020


After years of effectively writing off rural voters, based on their solid support for the GOP, Democratic candidates for the White House are suddenly turning up frequently in Iowa —  where the primary season kicks off in February — and rolling out rural initiatives on everything from ethanol and broadband to crop subsidies and healthcare.


Chinese officials hint at waiting out Trump on a trade deal, says report


Chinese officials are growing increasingly wary of President Trump, suggesting that the risks of making a trade deal with him are greater than the costs of delaying one until after the 2020 election because of fears Trump might renege on an agreement, according to a Bloomberg report.


Animal advocates sue Oregon cheesemaker, alleging false claims

The Animal Legal Defense Fund has filed suit against the Tillamook County Creamery Association, alleging it has misrepresented its products as being sourced from small-scale, humane farms.


Benefiting from U.S.-China trade war (SCMP): Consumers in Vietnam are the unexpected beneficiaries of the U.S.-China trade war, as low prices on American exports like cherries, grapes, and blueberries are allowing some Vietnamese to try the fruits for the first time.

Uprooted by flooding (Iowa Public Radio): After being displaced by historic flooding along the Missouri River last spring, some Iowans are declining to move back to the towns they once called home.

Lobster shipments plunge (AP): U.S. lobster exports to China have fallen off a cliff this year as new retaliatory tariffs shift the seafood business to Canada.

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