Diet for Healthy Planet – January 17, 2019

Less red meat for healthier diet and planet

Diet for a healthy planet: Half the red meat and sugar, more grains, nuts, produce A three-year collaboration by three dozen experts in nutrition, agriculture, economics, and the environment says it has solved one of the world’s great challenges: how to feed an expected 10 billion people at mid-century without… Continue reading

Economic Storm in Farm Country – January 7, 2019

Growing economic storm

Federal nutrition assistance at risk in a long-running shutdown Two of the major public nutrition programs, SNAP and WIC, could run out of money if the partial government shutdown persists into February and beyond, affecting millions of people. While the USDA says funding is assured for this month, it is… Continue reading

Soybeans Purchased Following Meeting – December 20, 2018

China buys billions of soybeans

Administration would toughen 90-day limit on food stamps On Thursday, hours before President Trump was expected to sign the farm bill, the administration has proposed restricting the power of states to waive the usual 90-day limit on food stamps for able-bodied adults who do not work at least 20 hours… Continue reading

Pork Prices, China Trade – December 4, 2018

Pork prices affected by trade

White House expects immediate action by China on ag trade Taking a “show me” stance, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on Monday he expected China to roll back tariffs on U.S. farm exports promptly and begin trade reforms in line with the trade deal struck by President Trump… Continue reading

China Ag Sales Fall in Trade War – November 30, 2018

China Ag Sales drop 45 percent in trade war

U.S. ag sales to China to fall by 45 percent in trade war China, formerly the No. 1 customer for U.S. ag exports, will buy a comparatively paltry $9 billion worth of those exports this fiscal year, a startling 45 percent cutback due to the trade war, said the USDA… Continue reading